1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18
"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God for you in Messiah Yeshua."
Beth Machaseh has been a home and place of refuge for many of us that have joined this congregation. In 2022 the Almighty placed in the heart of our Rebbitzin Claudia Tarohocker, to start a prayer ministry. My husband Mal Hofler and I have been leaders of this ministry since then. I personally was never someone to want to be a leader of anything. However, Hashem had other plans. This ministry has been a great blessing for many. We are currently hosting the prayer ministry via Zoom on Tuesday nights.
Just like Beth Machaseh (House of refuge) the prayer call is a great refuge in the middle of the week. It is a time to come together with brothers and sisters in one accord to pray for the big and small needs. It is an opportunity to ask Hashem for his covering for the rest of the week.
This ministry has given our brothers and sisters the opportunity to grow in prayer. Likewise, It gives us the opportunity to minister to one another about many subjects in a more private setting. It has been wonderful to see the sick being healed and those in mourning-being comforted by the spirit of the Almighty. To see how Hashem blesses our brothers and sisters in times of hardship has greatly strengthened my faith and the faith of others who pray in love. It has also allowed me and others to come out of our shell; to socialize, bring praises and share testimonies. And we can share in a holy environment without fear of judgement or persecution. Having this prayer time during the week, refreshes and re-energizes us, which is something that we would never stop to do otherwise. Most importantly, it has given the space for others to be leaders and in love, pray for each other by audibly and selflessly bringing each other’s needs before Hashem.
We thank Hashem for this forum and welcome you to also find refuge in prayer. If you'd like to send in a prayer request or join our prayer group please contact us on the website and we will send you more information!