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Writer's picture: Tamar S. WalkerTamar S. Walker

Updated: Oct 30, 2024

“While evil people schemed among themselves

Everyday people who ignored the news

Oh, indifferent people sitting in the pews…”

Ted Pearce- “The Forgotten People”


How different history might have been if more Believers had taken a stand against Hitler’s political campaign!  Instead, so many simply chose to remain indifferent to his candidacy and to the openly anti-Semitic policies of the Nazi Party, just minding their own business, going to church, and otherwise living a “good Christian life”. They made it possible for Hitler to rise to power.  We risk them doing the same today.

The Enemy has done a great job of convincing Believers that it is somehow wrong or “worldly” to get involved with politics.  Or they tell themselves that G-d will choose their leaders, so there is no reason to take the time to educate themselves about political matters or to vote. Such thinking leads to disastrous results.  And it is rooted in a Christian mindset, rather than in the Hebraic mindset of scripture. Broadly speaking, Christianity is focused on the hereafter, on going to Heaven.  Many Christians believe that they will be raptured away and so will not experience the painful future prophesied in scripture. So, whatever happens down here on earth does not really concern them. Passage after passage in the Bible, though, disproves this thinking (see, e.g., Matthew 24 which talks about “the elect” who are still on earth during the Tribulation). Indeed, scripture demonstrates that there is an active partnership between G-d and Man when it comes to earthly matters.  Hashem has the ultimate say, of course, but what we do impacts His timing and decision-making.

Case in point:  In II Kings 20, we see Isaiah tell Hezekiah that the L-rd had decreed that he will not recover from his illness and will die.  Hezekiah prayed and wept.  G-d then sent Isaiah back to the king to tell him that he will live another 15 years, after all.

Similarly, G-d told Jonah to prophesy destruction to the people of Nineveh because of their wickedness.  When he did so, the people fasted and repented, and Hashem “did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened” (Jonah 3:10).

Indeed, such passages show us that it is possible for the world to avoid even the evil events described in the book of Revelation if we would communally repent and make godly choices going forward. Unfortunately, we know from scripture that eventually mankind will choose evil over good and the judgments and tribulation of the last days will come upon us. But, like Hezekiah and the people of Nineveh, we may be able to delay them through good deeds and wise choices.

One of those good deeds and wise choices is voting for leaders whose policies most closely line up with the word of G-d.  For, rather than us flying away to be with the Him, Yeshua will be returning to be with us here (Acts 1:11); and we are charged to prepare the way for Him (Isaiah 40:30).  We are called to be the salt and the light, actively working to preserve and promulgate on earth G-d’s methods of doing things until He returns (Matt. 5:13-15).

In Judaism this principle of working to make the world a more godly place is called Tikkun Olam (Repair of the World); and it is believed that by engaging in it we hasten the coming of Mashiach. Indeed, Yeshua indicates that this is so in Matthew 24:36 when He says that not even He knows when He will return.  Could it be because the timing depends on what we do here on earth?!

Never has the "tikkun" of voting wisely been more important than in the upcoming election of 2024.  The policies of the Democrats and the Republicans could not be more opposed, and their visions for America more polarized.  We truly are faced with the opportunity to either propel the nation and the world into the days prophesied in Revelation or to stave them off for at least another four years.

To complicate matters, we have also never been busier and more distracted with the cares of day-to-day life, we have news media that are increasingly biased in their reporting, and our society is often now more concerned with feelings rather than facts.

We as Believers need to rise above all that and take the lead to become informed, take a stand for what is right, vote wisely, and encourage others to do the same. This is not to say that one side of the political aisle is all good or always right.  Of course, no candidate or party is perfect.  But, if you do your homework, you will no doubt see that one has policies that are clearly more in line with Hashem’s principles than the other.

In the process you may be surprised to find that the candidate whose personality rubs you the wrong way is the one you should vote for.  And don’t let a checkered past dissuade you (David - adulterer and murderer -taught us that).

Obvious points to consider when choosing a candidate include his/her positions on abortion (G-d tells us to “choose life” (Deut. 30:19) and Israel (G-d promises to bless those who bless Israel, and to curse those who curse Israel (Gen. 12:3)).  

Others that may not be so clear, but are no less important:

  • Those with the spirit of Anti-Messiah will demand total submission to their agenda and will restrict the rights of those who disagree with them to conduct business or speak freely (see, e.g., Rev. 13:16-17).

  • Those with the spirit of Anti-Messiah will be globalists (Rev. 12-13), denying national borders.

  • Those with the spirit of Anti-Messiah will “not regard the desire of women” (Daniel 11:37).  I.e., those with such an evil spirit will undermine the unique status of being female, allowing men to usurp women’s accomplishments, or to jeopardize women’s wellbeing by entering in to their private spaces.*

A vote for such policies is a vote to usher in the Anti-Messiah and his horrors.  A vote against such policies is a vote to keep in place the Restraining Angel who is holding back that evil (II Thessalonians 2:6-7).  It is also a tikkun to create a better world and hasten the return of Messiah.

A modern-day prophet in early 2016 prophesied that Donald Trump had been sent to wake up Believers who “had a good heavenly game, but needed to work on their ground game.”  He wasn’t wrong.  We need to keep bombarding heaven with our prayers for this country; but we need to work to save her at a very practical, human level as well.  

Voting is a vital place to start.

Tamar S. Walker

*I invite the reader to follow me on Facebook Tamar S. Walker for additional information about Democrat and Republican policy in the light of scripture to further inform your voting choices (I do the research, so that you don’t have to!).  All I ask is that you share what you learn there with others.

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